Articles & Resources

Church Health
Converge MidAmerica Team

Together Groups

Written by Dan Proctor My name is Dan Proctor and I became the Church Strengthening Director in the Southeast region of Converge MSC about 9

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Church Health
Converge MidAmerica Team

Thoughts From a Sabbatical

By Bryan Moak, Converge MSC, VP of Church Strengthening Recently I finished my first sabbatical with Converge. It was three months long, and it was

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Celebration Banquets 2024

So far, the Celebration Banquets have raised over $236,000 which broke our previous giving record of $201,000 in 2016. If you or your church haven’t

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Converge MidAmerica Team

NCD to Navigate Church Growth

Author: Gary Ricci, MSC Church Strengthening Regional Director The Problem How do you decide what will help your church grow? Should we hire a worship

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Converge MidAmerica Team

5 Reasons a Pastor Needs a Coach

By Andrew Ford, Regional Director of Church Strengthening Coaching is one of the key initiatives for the Converge MSC Church Strengthening Team. We believe no

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Converge MidAmerica Team

The Priority of Prayer First

In 1 Timothy 2:1, Paul tells Timothy, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people.” Paul

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Transformation Tuesday

We are so thankful to get to work with Chapelstreet church in Geneva, IL, and watch them partner with local ministries! Check out the article

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Converge Cuba

The Lord is opening new doors for Converge MSC. A 2018 UN report showed that only 10% of the Cuban population is evangelical. According to

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Meet Pastor Zak

From Mobile, Alabama, to academic honors at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Pastor Roderick Zak’s journey has been extraordinary. A former basketball standout at

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Converge MidAmerica Team

The Depth of Prayer

Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:4-9; Colossians 4:2-6 “…with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert…” Ephesians 6: 18. Warren Wiersbe writes,

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Converge MidAmerica Team


If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 Augustine wrote,

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Converge MidAmerica Team

The Consistency of Prayer

The Consistency of Prayer – Gary Rohrmayer Oswald Chambers wrote, ‘Prayer is not only asking, but an attitude of mind which produces the atmosphere in

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Converge MidAmerica Team

The Preeminence of Prayer

The Preeminence of Prayer – Gary Rohrmayer “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Converge Celebration Banquet

Thank you for joining us for our 2023 Converge Celebration Banquets in Chicago and Orlando. Our Chicago Banquet and the inaugural Southeast Banquet were both

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

May is Church Health Month

In an effort to promote healthy, missionally engaged churches we are encouraging all of our churches and church plants to join us in establishing a

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Grace Church is Battle Ready

This article was originally authored by NCD International. Grace River Church in St. Peter’s, Missouri doesn’t sound at all like the kind of place you’d

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

God is at work at Mosaico!

God is at work at Mosaico Church!  Mosaico Church is a church plant launched in July 2021 in Nashville, TN. Pastor Ramiro Cruz gave Converge

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Step Up: Baptisms

“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” 

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

Living Sacrifices

Our Story B gave his life to the Lord in 2015. He lived in India for 3.5 years doing the work of the Lord with

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Perseverance for the Long Haul

This article was written by Rob Nash, a pastor at Sawyer Highlands Church. This article originally appeared on Have you read that “The average

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Danny Parmelee

Celebration Banquet 2022 Recap

“This is the best Celebration Banquet we’ve ever been to!” That’s the feedback I heard from countless attendees of the Converge MidAmerica | Southeast |

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

Why Participate in an NCD?

My name is Gary Ricci and I am the pastor of New Hope Christian Community Church. Our church was planted in 2009 in Round Lake,

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Converge MidAmerica Team

The KINEO Center

Converge MidAmerica|Southeast|Caribbean is thrilled to partner with the KINEO Center, a ministry created just for pastors and church leaders. With so many pastors suffering from

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Converge MidAmerica Team

2021 Year in Review

Before we hit the ground running in 2022, let’s take a look back at all that God has done in 2021 through Converge MidAmerica |

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Great progress, greater opportunities

Written by Ben Greene Outside South Carolina’s first Converge church, Hurricane Florence was thrashing pines and palmettos. But inside, Source Connection was worshiping Jesus for

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Gary Rohrmayer

Reflections on Connect 2021

In 1852 when Gustaf Palmquist started the First Swedish Baptist Church in Rock Island, IL. In 1856, the Swedish Baptist Churches came together for their

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Going out into all the world!

When you think of the Bahamas, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Beautiful beaches? Crystal blue water? Relaxation? While most view the

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Converge MidAmerica Team

For God’s Glory!

Located in Sterling Heights Michigan, Hope Arabic Church was launched in November of 2014. The church began from just 27 people attending the first service

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Converge MidAmerica Team

God never stops working!

On a recent trip to Haiti, the president of Converge, Gary Rohrmayer and the vice president of church partnerships, Ernie Cabrera, had the opportunity to

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Capital Campaigns
Converge MidAmerica Team

God’s Love at Mercy Road

This month we are focusing on the ministry of Mercy Road Church in Redford, MI. Established on 10/10/10 at 10 AM, Mercy Road had a

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Church Strengthening
Danny Parmelee

Next Steps Orlando

This past week 27 pastors, church planters, and church leaders came together to learn about Next Steps for their church. Bryan Moak kicked things off

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Defining Our Next Steps

When our church celebrated our one-year anniversary, I realized that we were actually going to make it as a church.  We had all the things

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Church Strengthening
Gary Rohrmayer

It’s Church Health Month

For several years now, we have been declaring May is Church Health Month! In Converge, we are sold out to church planting as well as

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Gary Rohrmayer

Confess Jesus as Lord this Christmas “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”. – Romans 10:9 Augustine

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Converge MidAmerica Team

100 Years of Life Change

Believe it or not, Berkeley Community Church launched right of the last pandemic, the Spanish Flu. A women’s bible study in the Detroit area wanted

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Converge MidAmerica Team

God Is Still Moving The issues with COVID and church closing have been so challenging for each one of us who lead a church or who are a

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Gary Rohrmayer

Merger FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about the Merger What states make up the Southeast District, how many churches does that constitute, and what is the cultural make-up

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Church Planting
Kirsten Andreson

Maintaining Our Focus

Remember Dug, the talking dog from the movie “Up”? He had a device that allowed his master to hear and understand him. What we discover

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Church Online
Kirsten Andreson

The Gospel Every Day

In this sermon, Bryan Moak shares about how to keep the fundamentals of the Gospel at the forefront of your life as found in John

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Church Online
Kirsten Andreson

Church Essentials

In this sermon, Bryan Moak shares about church essentials as found in Acts 2:42-47. Below you can download the video for use in your church

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Don’t Forget to Pray

As much as I would love to hit the reset button on 2020, that isn’t going to happen. So instead of focusing on what “isn’t”

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Church Planting
Gary Rohrmayer

Three Stages of Outreach

The next step is to help leaders understand the spheres of outreach that exists within their community. Today we are going to move from understanding

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Church Planting
Gary Rohrmayer

Do you need a wellness check?

We recognize that life and ministry are stressful and being compounded with the COVID-19 pandemic. To help with this reality, we compiled a listing of MAP

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Church Planting
Gary Rohrmayer

Steps to Licensing Guide

Overview Prior to granting a license, a church should establish policies regarding the licensing procedure. Get the Free Download [email-download download_id=”4619″ contact_form_id=”723″]

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Church Planting
Gary Rohrmayer

Steps to Ordination Guide

Overview Because of the growing number of Converge MidAmerica churches, there is a need for a guide that will assist churches in evaluating potential candidates for

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Church Planting
Gary Rohrmayer

Spiritual Warfare

This ebook provides fourteen devotionals built around the tactics the enemy uses to attack the church and provides the scriptural antidote to overcome them. Could your leadership team identify how the enemy is seeking to attack the church?

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Church Strengthening
Gary Rohrmayer

Ten Marks of a Coachable Leader

Overview This ebook is designed to be used in a leadership setting with your church board, church staff, ministry team or even in a small group setting.

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Church Strengthening
Gary Rohrmayer

Nine Prayers for Missional Leaders

Overview Prayer is more about bringing our desires, passions, needs, concerns and circumstances into missional alignment, rather than for our own personal fulfillment. In this

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

This Week’s Zoom Links

We are offering 7 different breakout opportunities throughout the week. You can jump in on any of these Zoom calls for an opportunity to encourage

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Fasting Resources

Fasting Definition Fasting is deliberately abstaining from the normal routines of life for the purposes of spending focus time in prayer and the study of

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Culture & Society
Converge MidAmerica Team

Tornado affects 4 Tennessee Counties

As Tennessee joins together to recover from Tuesday’s tornado, Converge MidAmerica is seeking to empathize with and aid our district churches who were affected.  Preston

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

3 Indicators of a Healthy Church

My bookshelves are filled with books on church health. Most claim to hold the key to seeing your church break the “code” for effective ministry.

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

Minister’s Assistance Program

Fourteen years ago, our family decided to use the Ministers Assistance Program (MAP). Our daughter Kallie, who was a teenager at the time, was struggling

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

Introducing: Barr 3M Solutions

Hello! We are Philip & Betsy Barr, Converge entrepreneurial church planters in Knoxville, TN. We were inspired by The Parable of the Talents in Matthew

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

Creating a Culture of Generosity

If you are going to grow a church significantly one of the skills you are going to need is to learn how to create and shape the culture of your organization. So how does one build a culture of generosity?

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Church Planting
Danny Parmelee

All In Resolution

We believe that every healthy church should play a role in multiplication. Would you prayerfully consider how God can use your leadership to lead your church in this multiplication effort?

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

6 Tips for a Year-End Offering

December is the largest giving month for most churches and non-profit organizations.  Early in my ministry, I learned that most non-profits see 25% of their

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Converge MidAmerica Team

3 Tools for Self-Knowledge

I recently returned from a conference in Nashville where several hundred church employees gathered to become better at their craft, and a common theme I

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Finding Rest in Busyness

EXHAUSTION I am a married pastor with six kids. Life is busy with vehicles breaking down, house projects never-ending, deadlines needing to be met, and

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Converge MidAmerica Team

The art of neighboring

What would it mean if we actually loved our neighbors? I mean really loved them the way Jesus mandates: to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” To be

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Passing the baton

Paul had Timothy. Moses had Joshua. Bilbo Baggins had Frodo. Brett Favre had Aaron Rogers. (Maybe I lost you on that one. I am not

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Church health is a serious issue

We are serious about strengthening our churches! Why? Because scripture mandates it. The Apostle Paul in his letter (actually a field manual) to Titus, who was

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

What Are Together Groups?

When we say we are better together, we really mean it! Last year, a group of churches in Michigan was looking for opportunities to connect

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Three strategies of outreach

Last month we helped leaders understand the spheres of outreach that exists within their community. Today we are going to move from understanding to implementation.

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