5 Things Every Church should be Posting on Social Media

Social media can be overwhelming, especially when it’s not our first priority. If you’re trying to come up with something to post to your church’s social media but find yourself stuck, check out this list of 5 types of posts every church should be posting on social media, plus examples from Converge churches.

Just a note: To make your post more algorithm-friendly, always include 1. a photo and 2. a caption.

1. Inclusion 

Everyone wants to belong somewhere, and you can use your church’s social media to show your followers they are Posts in this category tell your followers they are included in your church community. Captions like “You belong here!” and “Don’t go it alone.” are great ways to let your followers know they are included in your church community.

2. Identity 

So much of what we see online is companies, brands, and influencers trying to tell us who we are and influence our identity, but our true identity is in Christ. Our churches’ social media should be a reminder of that. Posts like “You also are complete through your union with Christ.” and “We are made in his image” remind followers that in the midst of the scrolling, their identity is found in Christ alone.

3. Invitation 

Social media is a great way to invite your congregation and community to events and services at your church. A photo of Sunday morning, a postcard for an upcoming event, or a link to your church’s live stream all make great invitation posts.

Just a note: Many churches use their social media exclusively to invite people to attend their Sunday services; while this is definitely something we should be posting, it’s not the only thing we should be posting.

4. Interaction 

The great thing about social media is that it’s social! Don’t let your church’s feed become a one-way stream of communication. Invite others to interact with your posts! Post a conversation starter, encourage followers to tag a friend, or ask a question in the caption to encourage people to interact.

P.S. SundaySocial provides thousands of social media graphics for your church for just $9/month!

5. Stories 

Was someone baptized at your church? Did someone serve as a greeter for the first time? Did someone accept Christ? Share their story! These examples of life change, big or small, are awesome social media content because they show followers that God is working in your church and community. Snap a picture, get permission, and share that story on social media!

Have questions about social media? Let us know!


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