Why do we take Church Strengthening seriously?

The Apostle Paul was the greatest church planter ever! He was also the greatest church strengthener ever. The Epistles, written to the churches he planted, were given to strengthen the church. He would encourage them where they were excelling for the gospel, and he would correct them where they were falling short. He would even make sure to physically visit the churches in each city, and if he couldn’t visit them, he would send someone to visit in his place. Paul did this because he wanted the church to be strong and reproducing. He knew that the churches, left to themselves, would struggle to maintain the kind of gospel health needed to reach their cities for Christ. 

Statistics suggest that 85% of all churches in America today are either plateaued or declining. We at Converge MidAmerica find this statistic unacceptable. Instead, we want to see that percentage flipped. What if 85% of the churches in Converge MidAmerica | Southeast | Caribbean were growing and reproducing? 

The only way we are going to help see that goal met is to come alongside our churches by providing resources like:

  • Assessments – We have a number of assessment tools that we utilize, designed to articulate needs, identify opportunities, develop growth plans and strengthen your team.
  • Together Groups – We don’t want any of our pastors leading alone, so we bring our pastors together for fellowship, accountability and growth. 
  • Capital Campaign Services – Nothing helps a church not only dream dreams, but see those dreams realized better than bringing your church through a capital campaign. 
  • MAP (Minister’s Assistance Program) – Ministry is stressful, and we want our pastors and their families to get the help they need to be healthy for their own sake, and for the sake of the churches they serve by offering a counseling referral program. 
  • Prayer First – We believe that prayer is critical to church health. It is our desire to help churches see prayer as their very first importance. 
Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Simply, it is hard to be a healthy church on your own, so we believe with the writer of Hebrews that we are better together! May we then, together, see God continue to move powerfully to grow His church for the sake of the good news of Jesus! 
Bryan Moak ⁠— Vice President of Church Strengthening for Converge MidAmerica | Southeast | Caribbean

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