Fasting Resources

Fasting Definition

Fasting is deliberately abstaining from the normal routines of life for the purposes of spending focus time in prayer and the study of God’s word as we seek to align ourselves with God’s purposes.


Prayer and Fasting in the Pastors Life – Ronnie Floyd

Revival & Fasting – John Piper

Why should I Consider a Social Media Fast? – Kevin DeYoung

Quick Study on Fasting – Gary Rohrmayer

Eight Basic Guidelines for Fasting  – Gary Rohrmayer

Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer – CRU

Being in Tune with the Supernatural though Fasting – Ronnie Floyd

Strengthening our Prayers through Fasting  – Gary Rohrmayer

Bill Bright’s Fasting Testimony

David Brainerd’s Fasting Testimony

21 Classic Fasting Quotes


John Pipers Sermons on Fasting

Tony Evans Sermons on Fasting

  1. The Importance of Fasting
  2. Fasting For Deliveranc
  3. Fasting For Burden
  4. Fasting For Protection
  5. Fasting For Needs
  6. Fasting For Mates
  7. Fasting For Marriage
  1. Fasting For Healing
  2. Fasting For Guidance
  3. Fasting For Revival
  4. Fasting For Ministry
  5. Fasting For Intimacy
  6. Fasting For Justice
  7. Fasting For Power

James McDonald – Video

Fasting For a Spiritual Breakthrough – Elmer Towns 

Breakthrough – NorthBridge Church

Fasting for a Spiritual Breakthrough – Gary Rohrmayer

Power of Fasting Together – Mark Albrecht

Readying Ourselves for a Breakthrough – Mark Albrecht

First: Priority Determines Capacity – Heartland Church

Start Now! – Darryn Scheske

21 Days Of Prayer & Fasting – Darryn Scheske

The Power Of Priority – Darryn Scheske

What Really Matters? – Darryn Scheske

Nothing To Lose – Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr.


Hunger for God Seminar – John Piper

The Daniel Plan – Rick Warren


What is the Purpose of Fasting? – John Piper

How Can I Conquer Gluttony? – John Piper

Celibacy and Sexual Fasting – Tim Keller

Reading Plans/Devotional Guides

7 Basic Steps to Fasting and Prayer  – Bill Bright

Fasting: A 30 Day Guide – Gary Rohrmayer

21 Days in the Gospel of John

21 Day Fast

21 Day Challenge: Made to Crave


Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough – Elmer Towns

Fasting for a Financial Breakthrough – Elmer Towns

Hunger for God – John Piper

Hunger for God – John Piper (Free pdf)

God’s Chosen Fast – Arthur Wallis

The Power of Prayer and Fasting – Ronnie Floyd

The Daniel Plan – Rick Warren


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