Lee & Cinnamon’s Faith Testimony

I know the last thing you probably want to think about as a church right now is the idea of a capital campaign. Frankly, you all have so much to think about and a capital campaign isn’t on your radar at all. We get that. But we also want to encourage you to think through your reopening plan with generosity and vision at the forefront, and one effective tool is a capital campaign. Certainly capital campaigns help to raise money for your church. But even more than that, they can be used by God to build an increasing culture of generosity, and propel your church with vision in unique and powerful ways. The above video is just such an example of a campaign’s transformative power. It is a bit long, but I think you will agree that it is both encouraging and reproducible in the life of your church members as well.

We at Converge MidAmerica stand ready to serve you in a capital campaign experience, and are strategizing some unique ways in which we can provide our service over the next months.

  • If you are a church plant that is over two years old, you might be dealing with the reality of changes in your lease space. Now is a good time to think about a permanent space with a long term lease as there will be many commercial real estate spaces opening up. A creative capital campaign can prepare you to move when that door opens.
  • If you are an established church, you have probably been re-envisioning what your future will look like. Issues like upgrading technology and reworking spaces within your current facility have become important. A capital campaign can help position your church for greater gospel effectiveness in a new season of ministry

So give us a call if you’d like to talk more. As always, we love you and stand ready to serve you.


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