Living Sacrifices

Our Story

B gave his life to the Lord in 2015. He lived in India for 3.5 years doing the work of the Lord with his family’s ministry. After returning to the US, he pursued ways to get involved with the local church, which led to many short-term mission trips. During one of those trips, the Lord confirmed his call to full-time missions and continued to open doors for that. Seeking formal training, he attended a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Discipleship Training School, where he met K.

K’s relationship with the Lord began at the age of 12, and two years later, God began to stir her heart toward missions. Through high school, she went on a handful of short-term trips, which the Lord used to further confirm her call. She attended Grace College and graduated in 2015 with a degree in Intercultural Studies. After two years of serving in inner-city Indianapolis, the Lord led her to YWAM Kansas City for further training.

With their unified call to missions, they began their relationship after their YWAM training and got married in 2018. Since then, they have been serving locally at a church near Indianapolis, whose mission is to “lead, love, and launch” people out for the sake of the Gospel. God has been preparing them in a variety of ways for the overseas ministry to which He has called their family, and they are excited to join Him in reaching those who have never heard the Good News.

Living Sacrifices

“I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:1-2

Since coming to know God, our heart’s desire has been to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to Him in worship. When God brought our paths together, we were committed not to conforming to the normal patterns of the world around us. As we have journeyed with Him, He has been transforming us and faithfully revealing His will.

When K and I got married, we prayed and asked God to guide our steps as we knew cross-cultural ministry was the direction we were headed. The Lord gave us a 5-year vision. We thought we would be going to India to join my uncle’s ministry—and so did my family—but the Lord had other plans. During our first year of marriage, we tried to get connected with my uncle and prepare for our eventual move to India, but the Lord kept closing those doors. We got to the point where we realized we were trying to move in our own power and not with the Lord, so we surrendered it all back to Him. A year later, the Spirit nudged us to take the next steps toward our goal of moving overseas. This time around, we knew we needed wise counsel in the process, so we approached our pastor and his wife for prayer and wisdom. Through that meeting, God directed us toward Converge and the Missionary Discovery and Assessment (MD&A).  

While attending the MD&A in November 2020, the Lord once again confirmed our call as a family to overseas ministry. However, He also spoke to both of us that India was not where He was leading us in this season. We felt His Spirit directing us to the Spice Islands Initiative and spent the next few months praying, fasting, and seeking counsel through God’s Word and mentors. We knew nothing about the Spice Islands, and my family was against us going there. Our faith went through testing so that, as the Word says, we “may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

As we have been preparing and partnership-building, we have experienced continual hardships in our families and household. The enemy does not want us to go, but as we continue to obey God and follow Him, He reveals His perfect faithfulness time and time again!

God has given us His heart for all peoples, and we are excited to follow Him to the Spice Islands for His glory. Countless inhabitants of these islands have never encountered the one true God. In light of this, the Lord has moved us to join a team of other believers committed to starting gospel movements among each of the 234 least-reached people groups within the Spice Islands Initiative in our generation.

Toward that end, our vision as a family is to cultivate a healthier and stronger faith, family, and fellowship among local believers, encouraging and equipping them to make disciples within their spheres of influence. We ask you to pray about how the Lord might be leading you to partner with us in this endeavor. God may be calling you or someone you know to join us!


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