Juntos Somos Mejores – We Are Better Together!

Over the last year we have seen the Lord expanding our district into Mexico – 14 new affiliate churches in one year! This growth is God’s faithful answer to years long prayers of various leaders within Converge MSC. A very tangible fruit of this growth is the Converge Mexico Annual Conference. On June 1-2, Converge churches in Mexico held the second annual conference with the participation of twenty-one Mexican churches. Converge pastors and leaders from the US and Mexico collaborated together in planning, leading and teaching the plenary sessions and workshops. Even the worship team was a mix of musicians from the US and Mexico. This only reinforced our motto “Juntos Somos Mejores – We are Better Together,” which was emphasized all throughout the conference.

One hundred and fifty pastors, church staff members and lay leaders gathered at Iglesia A Su Imagen (Made In His Image Church) in Queretaro, Mexico to worship, learn, meet for the first time and grasp the vision of Converge. Pastors received training and at the same time were able to connect with other pastors from Mexico and the US. For many, the most important lesson learned was that they did not have to walk their journey alone. Six new Mexican church planters are now planning on joining Converge as well as other guest churches interested in affiliation. We are very excited to see how this movement is spreading and pastors are finding new friendships and companionship in ministry. As Jesus said in John 17:21-24 “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

The 2024 conference is already being planned and we would love for you to participate. If you and your church are interested in partnering with the Lord’s expansion of His church in Mexico, please contact us to learn more. It’s an opportunity for you, a stateside pastor of a Converge church, to meet, encourage and hopefully become a partner with a Mexican pastor and church. During your time in Mexico you will attend and teach at the conference, and then be paired-up with a local church which you will visit and preach at on a Sunday morning. Or maybe your church would like to financially offset the cost of the conference, support gifts can be made online.

Please visit our new Converge Mexico ministries webpage to learn more and what the Lord is doing through Converge Mexico.


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