Articles & Resources


Church Health
Converge MidAmerica Team

Together Groups

Written by Dan Proctor My name is Dan Proctor and I became the Church Strengthening Director in the Southeast region of Converge MSC about 9 months ago. Before that, I

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Church Health
Converge MidAmerica Team

Thoughts From a Sabbatical

By Bryan Moak, Converge MSC, VP of Church Strengthening Recently I finished my first sabbatical with Converge. It was three months long, and it was wonderful. I firmly believe that

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Navigating New Horizons at Converge MSC

Discover more about the promising future of Converge MSC in our latest article featuring Gary Rohrmayer’s upcoming retirement and his successor, Danny Parmelee. Read all about the details of the

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Converge MidAmerica Team

5 Reasons a Pastor Needs a Coach

By Andrew Ford, Regional Director of Church Strengthening Coaching is one of the key initiatives for the Converge MSC Church Strengthening Team. We believe no pastor should walk alone and

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Converge MidAmerica Team

The KINEO Center

Converge MidAmerica|Southeast|Caribbean is thrilled to partner with the KINEO Center, a ministry created just for pastors and church leaders. With so many pastors suffering from depression and burnout today, KINEO’s

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Great progress, greater opportunities

Written by Ben Greene Outside South Carolina’s first Converge church, Hurricane Florence was thrashing pines and palmettos. But inside, Source Connection was worshiping Jesus for the first time. Pastor Paul

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

What should I do when no one shows up?

Leadership is lonely. It’s easy to feel alone as a church planter, especially in the early days. It can be difficult to pour time and energy into an event or

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Church Strengthening
Danny Parmelee

Next Steps Orlando

This past week 27 pastors, church planters, and church leaders came together to learn about Next Steps for their church. Bryan Moak kicked things off with a high-energy training on

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

You say you want a reformation…

I am seven years into my first tenure as a senior pastor. The congregation I am blessed to serve in that capacity consists of roughly 300 souls near the urban

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Converge MidAmerica Team

The History of Converge & St. Croix

On December 3, 2020, Pastor Will Woods celebrated his 51st year as pastor at Altona Baptist Church on St. Croix. Last week, our Converge MidAmerica team caught up with Pastor

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Adapting Our Church in the Pandemic

Grace Bible Church has been a part of Converge long before I became the pastor as they were founded and led by the late Pastor Rod Walker. I became pastor

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Defining Our Next Steps

When our church celebrated our one-year anniversary, I realized that we were actually going to make it as a church.  We had all the things going that a healthy church

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Church Planting
Gary Rohrmayer

We Are Sold Out for Church Planting

The number one reason we should be sold out to church planting is the Glory of God.   Yes, church planting is the central vehicle for achieving God’s mission. Yes,

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Church Planting
Kirsten Andreson

Maintaining Our Focus

Remember Dug, the talking dog from the movie “Up”? He had a device that allowed his master to hear and understand him. What we discover is that as much as

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Gary Rohrmayer

The Gospel Opposes the Sin of Racism

Our the Executive Board of Overseers unanimously affirmed the following statement on Racism and the Gospel. We are encouraging every Converge MidAmerica pastor, staff member, and lay leader to sign

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Church Planting
Gary Rohrmayer

Ten Biblical Principles for Healthy Relating

Overview Our mission is a relational mission.  Doing mission with others involves trust.  Building and maintain relational trust is critical for any church to succeed.  Gary Rohrmayer walks us through

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Church Strengthening
Gary Rohrmayer

Ten Marks of a Coachable Leader

Overview This ebook is designed to be used in a leadership setting with your church board, church staff, ministry team or even in a small group setting.  Our prayer is that God

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Church Strengthening
Gary Rohrmayer

Nine Prayers for Missional Leaders

Overview Prayer is more about bringing our desires, passions, needs, concerns and circumstances into missional alignment, rather than for our own personal fulfillment. In this short book on prayer our

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Living Missionally in a Crisis

I have chosen to use Titus 3:1-2 as the guiding biblical principle for our churches as we face this unprecedented shut down of our country due to the dangerous spread

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

Strengthening Your Prayers through Fasting

Strengthening our prayer life through fasting helps us align our lives and our churches in what God is doing around us. There are several biblical reasons why one should engage

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Converge MidAmerica Team

3 Tools for Self-Knowledge

I recently returned from a conference in Nashville where several hundred church employees gathered to become better at their craft, and a common theme I heard throughout the week was

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Finding Rest in Busyness

EXHAUSTION I am a married pastor with six kids. Life is busy with vehicles breaking down, house projects never-ending, deadlines needing to be met, and to-do lists filling my time

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Church Planting
Converge MidAmerica Team

How to Get the Most out of Connect

You may be wondering what to expect at Connect, how to take full advantage of the conference, or why you should even attend. Here are a few tips to help

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

How To Conduct A Financial Audit

We get calls from churches from time to time asking if they should be doing a financial operations audit. The answer to that is YES. Why? Because you want to

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Converge MidAmerica Team

Passing the baton

Paul had Timothy. Moses had Joshua. Bilbo Baggins had Frodo. Brett Favre had Aaron Rogers. (Maybe I lost you on that one. I am not a Packer fan. Go Vikings!

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Church Strengthening
Converge MidAmerica Team

Nine ways to create momentum for fall outreach

Legendary football coach Paul ‘Bear’ Bryant said, “Have a plan. Follow the plan, and you’ll be surprised how successful you can be. Most people don’t have a plan. That’s why it’s

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Church Strengthening
Gary Rohrmayer

The First Church Bully-Diotrephes

There is a lot about bullying in the headlines these days! Bullying on school buses. Bullying on the internet. Bullying in the work place. But bullying in church? It is

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