Four Reasons to Disciple Your Church through 21 Day Campaigns, doing a focused four-week series on a specific topic can take your church to a deeper level. Converge MidAmerica’s 21 Day Campaigns are an opportunity for you as the pastor to lead your church to a deeper level of prayer, generosity, and evangelism.

Here are four reasons to lead a 21 Day Campaign in your church:

1. They focus your people on their daily relationship with Jesus.

One of the critical disciplines in discipleship is to teach your people how to have a meaningful quiet time. Teaching people to feed on the Word of God and to speak to God in prayer is essential to move them on the path of maturity. During a 21 Day Campaign, you will drive that principle deep into the life of your church and give them the tools to help facilitate this discipline.

2. They inspire spiritual formation in the key areas of discipleship.

You cannot manufacture spiritual growth, but you can create an atmosphere for spiritual growth. In reminding your people of the essential habits of discipleship–bible study, prayer, fasting, generosity, and evangelism–while giving them useful on-ramp tools, you will ensure your church is spiritually healthy and missionally engaged.

3. They rally the church around a focused theme.

The prophet Daniel, who was deeply concerned about his people’s spiritual condition, prayed and fasted for 21 days (Daniel 10:1-3). There are certain seasons in our lives when we need to give focused attention to our personal spiritual growth and the spiritual needs of our family, church, and community.

4. They help you drive the vision and mission of Jesus deeper into your church.

Leading your church through a 21 day campaign allows you to shepherd and lead the church in a unified way. Campaigns give you an opportunity to lift your church’s eyes to the high calling of the church in a practical way. Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19-20).

I have said before, “The church is dying by assumptions!” We assume our leaders have meaningful devotional lives, yet they are spiritually drying up right in front of our eyes. We assume our leaders our getting into meaningful spiritual conversations, yet they have not shared their faith in years. We assume our leaders are tithing and growing in generosity. However, when a financial assessment reveals some of your leaders have no record of giving to the church in years, you feel deceived. 

Pastor, don’t let your church die by assumptions! Instead, bring focused attention to the essentials of discipleship.

Prayer – 21 Dangerous Prayers

Fasting – 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Bible Study – 21 Courageous Prayers

Generosity – 21 Days towards a Generous Life

Evangelism – 21 Days to Increasing Your Spiritual Conversations

Holy Spirit – Encounter: A 21 Day Fresh Encounter of the Holy Spirit

Bible Study – Cherish: A 21 Day Journey to Falling in Love with God’s Word

Spiritual Warfare – Victorious: A 21-Day Journey To A Victorious Prayer Life

P.S. All these campaigns can be done digitally.


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