Relaunch Coaching Cohorts Reach 100+ Churches

Over 100 churches participated in our 4 -week Relaunch coaching cohorts.  Using Zoom, all participants gathered in a large group, focusing on insights of relaunching in light of COVID-19.

The real power of the coaching cohorts happened in smaller group settings. Each small group had a coach that facilitated discussion based on worksheets. Every church has a unique context, so each pastor was given the opportunity to work at analyzing and implementing a 90-day plan to relaunch. Each pastor developed a plan they believed would work best for their church, and in sharing their ideas created a beautiful synergy of pastors learning from one another.

Relaunch was a great example of churches being “better together,” and we are confident that the time and effort spent in this coaching cohort will have a significant Kingdom impact.

If you missed Relaunch, you can download worksheets and watch sessions on-demand on our website.


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