Next Steps Orlando

This past week 27 pastors, church planters, and church leaders came together to learn about Next Steps for their church. Bryan Moak kicked things off with a high-energy training on organizational systems and structures. Chris Highfill had the group roaring with laughter even while covering the serious subjects of outreach and evangelism. By the end of his talk, he had us in tears as he shared some personal stories of reproducing disciples. 

I then had the opportunity to share with everyone the areas I’m passionate about: leadership development, small groups, and missions. Gary closed out the whole training with some Yoda-like wisdom on staff transitions and finishing well. 

Besides all of the training and content, one of the greatest takeaways from these two days was the relationships and side conversations that happened over breaks, lunches, and dinners. I have no doubt that many of the truths we all learned will be implemented and have a multiplicative impact in our churches. 

Feel like you missed out? You did! BUT, you still have an opportunity to experience this same event in Chicago on August 18-19, 2021. 

Click here to register:


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7 Ways to Make the Most Out of Easter

7 Ways to Make the Most Out of Easter Easter is right around the corner! If you’re like me (Chris Highfill), you sometimes wait until the last minute to get planning started. But don’t worry—here