Introducing: Barr 3M Solutions

Hello! We are Philip & Betsy Barr, Converge entrepreneurial church planters in Knoxville, TN. We were inspired by The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 and founded Barr 3M Solutions as a way to support our efforts at Knoxville International Church. As we’ve talked with other church planters and executive pastors from around the country, we were excited to realize that Barr 3M Solutions is at the forefront in the innovative field of Creative Church Economics!

We lived in Beijing, China for almost 7 years and were exposed to the practice of using a business platform to break down barriers of entry for ministry in closed countries. As God led us to start this business as a platform for our church, it was exciting to watch Barr 3M Solutions break down numerous barriers we encountered…and so the way was paved for the launch of Knoxville International Church in terms of a physical location, financial support and status within the local community!

We are honored and thrilled to be a part of Converge MidAmerica and hope that Barr 3M Solutions can serve to creatively strengthen the financial foundations of CMA churches as they reach out daily in the name of Jesus.

Our specialists work with churches to identify the resources that God has provided in and to the congregation. Then together, specialists and church leaders explore how these can be maximized in order to provide additional streams of income for your church so you can increase your effectiveness for the sake of the Gospel. Connect with Barr 3M Solutions today for a no-cost, no-commitment consultation to see how your church could pay off all your debts, increase your budget and multiply your eternal impact WITHOUT needing to increase your giving levels.

We look forward to connecting with you individually, in Together Groups or at the Unleash Conference to see what solutions can be provided for you and your congregation!



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