An Invitation from Pastor Darryn Scheske

In normal times I’m always excited to gather with our Converge MidAmerica family in Chicago every April. We celebrate what God has done in us and through us as we partner together at this great banquet. Well we missed that opportunity this past April because of COVID-19, but we still need to celebrate the miracles and the milestones of our partnership.

That’s why I’d love for you to join me on Thursday, November 12. We’re going to host a special, one-hour, online virtual meetup where we can celebrate together the testimonies of lives changed by God and the churches that we’ve started and strengthened together.

Best of all, my friend Pastor Jeffrey Johnson’s going to bring a message from God’s word just for this moment for all of us. He’s my favorite preacher; he never fails to inspire and challenge. I’m looking forward to hearing some fresh vision of the impact that we can make together.

Will you register online at It’s happening on Thursday, November 12 at 7 pm CST / 8 pm EST. You won’t want to miss it.


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7 Ways to Make the Most Out of Easter

7 Ways to Make the Most Out of Easter Easter is right around the corner! If you’re like me (Chris Highfill), you sometimes wait until the last minute to get planning started. But don’t worry—here