Minister's Assistance Program (MAP)

We are devoted to caring for our pastors and their families.

We recognize that life and ministry are stressful. To help with that reality, we offer a counseling reimbursement program to our lead/senior pastors and their families as an act of benevolence.


All full-time lead/senior pastors, spouses and dependent children (college age and under) are eligible to receive reimbursement for up to twelve sessions per calendar year per person. 

You are responsible for the full and timely payment of the counselor’s standard rate.  After payment, it is your responsibility to submit the invoice to Converge MSC for reimbursement.  You must pay the first $25 of the session rate, Converge MSC will then reimburse up to a maximum of $100 of the remaining balance of the session rate, you will then be responsible for any outstanding balance after that.  If your counselor requires payment for a “no show” or a late cancellation, it will be your responsibility to pay the full fee.  


Please contact the counselor of your choosing directly for appointments. All counseling records are private between the counselor and client. 

Additional Services

If more than twelve sessions per year are needed, consult your insurance or spouse’s insurance for possible coverage. Check with your counselor. Some have sliding scale fees for Christian professionals. If none of these options work for you, please call us.


You are ultimately responsible to make judgments regarding your welfare and that of your family. We encourage you to seek out a Christian counselor who is certified and/or licensed.  Please interact openly with your counselor about any expectations you have.  Converge MSC is not liable for any counsel received. 

Take the next step

Please contact Kirsten Andreson with questions or if you need assistance finding a licensed counselor in your area.