Together Groups

Connecting Converge MidAmerica | Southeast | Caribbean pastors of both church plants and established churches with the purpose of seeking Christ's Kingdom expanded in their area of the region.

If Converge MidAmerica | Southeast is going to realize this goal, we will need to do this together! Dr. Al Mohler is quoted as saying, “If existing congregations do not thrive, there will be no one to plant, sustain, support and lead church planting. We cannot have one without the other.


Together Groups recognize that church planting pastors need existing church pastors and existing church pastors need church planting pastors. Simply, we need each other. So Together Groups will seek the following:

First, we will gather around the vision of Converge:

    • Each One Reach One
    • Each One Raise One
    • Each One Start One
    • Each One Sent One


Second, we will measure our continued movement toward this vision, and our goal of 400 strong, reproducing churches around three important metrics.

  1. DNA and Vision
    • Strong, reproducing churches know who they are, and they know where they are going.
  2. Church Health Assessment (NCD)
    • Strong, reproducing churches take honest assessments of their current health, and diligently plan to improve. NCD gives us a common language to encourage each other in this direction.
  3. Healthy Pastors
    • Strong, reproducing churches have strong, healthy pastors who grow through coaching, assessment, succession planning, etc.

Finally, we will heed the challenge of Hebrews 10:25, which calls us to “Not forsake meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage each other, and all the more as we see the day approaching.”

Join a Together Group

Western Illinois – Russ Shearer

MidChicago – Danny Flores

North Chicago – Gary Ricci

South Chicago – Michael Eberly

Western Chicago Suburbs – Adam Reardon

Chicago South Loop – Gary Ricci

Indianapolis – Andrew Ford

St. Louis – Chris Highfill

Nashville – Marshall Gallagher

Southwest Michigan – Rob Nash

Grand Rapids – Paul Sischo

Greater Detroit – Johnny Best 

Muskegon – Braden Britton

Northern Michigan – Philip Harrell

Orlando – Kendal Anderson

Jacksonville – Vic Cuccia

Tampa – Tom Townsend

Miami – Norbert Manzano

Atlanta – Dan Proctor

Kentucky – Tyler Toon

Bahamas – Philip Munroe

Questions? Contact Andrew Ford