Church Planting Weekend is an annual Converge movement-wide celebration. During the first weekend in June (or any weekend between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day), take time during your services to share with your congregation about church planting and multiplication — what it is, why it’s important and why your church is involved — and your partnership with Converge.
The Converge National weekend is June 6, 2021. But picking any date that works in your church rhythm is great.
Share with your congregation why church planting is one of the best ways to reach communities with the gospel and how, together, you will be part of the Converge church planting movement in your district.
Use the free resources below, including sermon messages, video and graphics that you can use leading up to and during your service. This is an opportunity to highlight the value of multiplication and specifically church planting that is happening and that everyone is part of it.
We encourage you to take a special offering by having people give above and beyond. You can then mail in your offerring to the district. Or, you simply can share this link with your congregation:
Way Maker >
312 Church Planting Goal >
Church Planting Stats (coming soon) >
Facebook posts & images >
Instagram posts & images >
Twitter posts & images >
1920 x 1080 announcement slide >
1024 x 768 announcement slide >
11″ x 17″ poster template >
Whether your church is new to church planting or you have planted multiple churches, Church Planting Weekend is just the beginning of a new gospel adventure for your congregation.
No matter your size or location, you can join Converge churches from across the country in starting new churches so more people can meet, know and follow Jesus. Here are a few ways.
Pray for the harvest (or adopt a planter to pray for).
Pay for a church plant’s startup cost or salary cost. Provide a special offering to a church plant when it launches.
Partner with other churches to share the burdens of church planting.
Plant a church. If you’ve already planted a church or launched a campus, plant and launch more!