Teaching your church to Pray through 21 Day of Prayer Campaigns

Written By Gary Rohrmayer

Charles H. Spurgeon in biography tells the story of when he was given a three-month trial preaching opportunity as a 19-year-old preacher at New Park Street Church in London, he decided that his first task was to teach his church of 80 people how to truly pray. Spurgeon said, “I can readily tell when a brother is praying, or when he is performing, or playing at prayer… Oh for a living groan!  One sigh of the soul has more power in it than half an hour’s recitation of pretty pious words!”

Pastor, are you leading your church to really pray?

A 21 Days of Prayer Campaign is an opportunity for you, as the Pastor to lead your church to a deeper level of prayer.

Why 21 Days?

The Prophet Daniel, who was deeply concerned over the spiritual condition of his people, prayed and fasted for 21 days (Daniel 10:1-3). There are certain seasons in our lives that we need to give focused attention to the spiritual needs of our family, church, and community. During the 21 Days of Prayer, you will teach your people how to truly pray to God privately and also how to petition Him publicly.

Privately and Corporately

You can teach your people how to start their day off with prayer through a 21 Days of Prayer Devotional Guide. In addition, this year we will be providing print copies or downloadable copies of our devotional guides entitled: 21 Dangerous Prayers, 21 Courageous Prayers and 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting.  Each of these has a resource page to help you plan a comprehensive campaign.

You can teach your people how to pray publicly in holding a series of prayer meetings. Some churches hold prayer meetings Monday through Friday at 6am-7am with a Saturday prayer meeting from 9am-10am. Other churches pick one morning a week and one evening a week for special corporate prayer meetings. Others will turn their regular meeting into focused times of guided prayer.

Here is a simple outline for a guided prayer session:

    • Worship: Two songs to get us God-focused
    • Devotional: Ten Minutes to get people’s hearts spurred on to pray
    • Prayer: Thirty minutes for individuals to pray alone or to pray in groups. Provide specific corporate prayer requests.
    • Commissioning Prayer: 3-5 minute pastoral prayer sending them out for the day
    • Worship: Send them out with a song on their lips and in their hearts.

This fall, we are challenging each Converge MidAmerica Pastor or church planter to lead their church through some form of a 21 Days of Prayer.  If you are planning a 21 Days of Prayer, please inform our office so that we can be praying for you and your church during the season.

May we teach our church how to pray like King David:

“With my voice, I cry out to the Lord; with my voice, I plead for mercy to the Lord.

I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him” (Psalm 142:1-2).

May we learn how to groan, cry and assault heaven with petitions and pleas!

Western Michigan to Santiago de los Caballeros

By James Floyd, Pastor, Shiloh Community Church

How in the world does a church in rural western Michigan end up developing a partnership with a Haitian Church in the Dominican Republic? Well, it is kind of a long story.

In the Summer of 2021, shortly after I began serving as the Senior Pastor of Shiloh Community Church in Orleans, Michigan, I received a call from Gary Rohrmayer. In addition to welcoming me to Converge MSC, Gary talked with me about taking a vision trip to the Caribbean to see the amazing work God is doing through our sister churches. There were lots of things I knew that I needed to do to begin the revitalization of the church I was called to pastor, and taking a trip to the Caribbean was not something that I could do in the first twelve months. I thanked Gary for the call and told him that I would keep the opportunity in mind and in my prayers. That was not just a line to get off the phone. I really did begin praying and having conversations with Shiloh’s Leadership Board and our Missions and Evangelism Team.

In 2023, I was at an “All Together” Group gathering in Grand Rapids, and happened to sit at a table with Ernie Cabrera, the Vice President of Church Partnerships. I talked with him about Shiloh’s desire to develop a partnership with a church in the Caribbean. We were not looking to just send a check, but rather to develop a relationship that is mutually beneficial. Ernie was excited to hear this and encouraged me to set up a Vision Trip to the Dominican Republic.

In January of 2024, two members of our Leadership Board, one member of our Missions and Evangelism Team, and I traveled down to the Dominican Republic with Ernie. He had set up a number of visits with pastors and church networks. We spent a few days driving, meeting, and praying. Our team formed a friendship with a local Converge MSC pastor who was serving as our interpreter and driver, Elysee Thelemaque. We had a number of conversations with Elysee about life and ministry. Our Shiloh Team had made the decision to not make promises or commitments based on our emotions or desire to meet needs. We committed to return home to Michigan and spend a month praying before making any decisions. 

After the month of prayer, we all agreed that we wanted to continue to explore partnering with Pastor Elysee and his church, Iglesia Comunidad Multicultural (ICM) en Creole in Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic. We began having conversations with him via WhatsApp on a group chat we named “Don’t Forget DR.” Sometimes we simply say hi, other times we encourage one another with prayers.  Last month, we had the opportunity to sponsor Elysee so he could attend the S2 East Conference. He stayed with a family from Shiloh and worshipped with us that Sunday. Elysee also had the opportunity to act as an interpreter for Justin McFarland, church planter at Restore Church in Muskegon, for a meeting Justin set up to assist local agencies who are helping Haitian Refugees in the Muskegon area. During Elysee’s visit we began planning our next trip to Santiago, Dominican Republic. We will be supporting the ministry of ICM en Creole by joining them in their evangelism activities and showing the “Jesus Film” in Haitian Creole. 

We are grateful for the opportunity that being a part of Converge MSC provided us to not only join God in what He is doing to reach the nations with the Gospel, but also to develop a friendship with a brother. We definitely believe we are better when we serve together.

Pastor Elysee recently shared that “If everyone can go to places [such as] DR, Haiti and Cuba, they will be able to see lots of ways to pray for the churches. Little things can make big differences. Sometimes pastors feel alone, their country’s problems can close their eyes to see what God is doing in the Caribbean. As God blesses you physically to [visit] those countries, it can be an encouragement for the churches around the world.” 

If your church is interested in taking a vision trip to see what God is doing in the Caribbean and to potential partner churches, please contact Kirsten at kirsten@convergemidamerica.org.  There are trips to Dominican Republic and Cuba planned for Fall 2024.